“Following Jesus is not about diligently keeping a set of rules or conjuring up the moral fortitude to lead good lives. It’s about loving God and enjoying Him.”
I think, of the entire session, this line stood most out to me. Yes, I’ve known about legalism for a long time. Yes I know ministry and prayer and reading scripture are supposed to be done out of joy, but it is so hard to put into practice. Like Francis Chan said at Passion ’15, we need to ask God for focus and self-control.
1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
One of the things talking with K was that he made the point about how love shouldn’t be “convenient.” Following God shouldn’t be “convenient.” Like, do I go to church because it is convenient? For some of us yes, it is because that’s where our friends are. But for him, he would rather go play basketball or the gym or watch a movie or something. But he goes because he loves God and knows going to church is what God wants for him.
I really loved the part where we got to the question If you choose to obey Jesus’s call to follow, what might it cost you? (Avoid being vague. If following Jesus would cost you specific possessions, comforts, or relationships, list them below.) In ways we were able to be honest. Me about my video gaming, and decision to give them up. His for alcohol and winning at basketball, realizing the selfishness behind it. Yes, there is sports ministry and also video game ministry, but there is also just selfishness and pride involved too. For me gaming is time I rather spend on working out, on reading the Word, and fellowshipping with people or proclaiming the Gospel. 671 hours of DOTA is not what I want for my life, and I am asking God to chisel it away. In competitive games (sports or video games), I’ve seen the worst come out in people, including me (for different reasons), and I know that it is not good. Self-control is definitely needed, and to rely on God is definitely needed.
I was glad I was able to share with him several videos, one where Matt Chandler talks about the sexiest love that is unconditional love, and glad he really enjoyed Skit Guys God Chisel video. “I don’t want it [your salvation] to be some sentimental goosh or head knowledge, I want you to work it out in every detail of your life.” Ya. It is still as hard hitting and real as it always is. And how great it is that God is the one holding us up, not the other way around. What I also realized that yes, I have a great collection of sermons and skits and resources, and being able to go to Biblegateway to refer to any verse is useful, but in my daily life I am not going to be able to carry my computer around. Let me really tattoo the Word of God on my heart, and let me be able to sincerely and realistically share it with everyone.
Control. Chisel. Control. Chisel. What do I don't want God to chisel out? What is the cost? Why are people quick to believe without counting the cost, and why do we preach the Gospel w/o mentioning the cost? Luke 24:28-33.
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”- C.S. Lewis
Your thoughts are not my thoughts. Your ways are not my ways. Isaiah 55:8.
To be honest, this first session went much longer than I anticipated, and it was great. I am glad that I am learning a lot still, despite having heard the series twice alone. K is growing a lot and to hear God is already using him in ways only he is able to for the Kingdom (in areas that I can’t) just makes me want to shout out in joy.
So how do I bring back joy into my prayers and devotions?
One analogy I came up was talking with God is like a chore. Like when someone pops up on gchat saying hi and you don’t really want to talk to him/her, and hoping to not be drawn into a long conversation. Especially when you are watching a good tv show or anime, or stuck in a middle of playing a computer game. But for me, when the girl I like pops up on fb chat or on gchat or texts me, I will drop everything to talk to her. I will even quit in the middle of a DOTA game for her sake. That is the kind of attitude I should have when talking to God (praying) or listening to God (reading scripture). Since I know now the kind of affection I should have for my God, well...its a place to work from.
Christian hedonism. Huh...I finally get what it means. This is what my life should look like.
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